If I Can Make Just One Person Smile or Pee Their Pants Funny Quote

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"You stole my car."

"Borrowed it I did, return it I will."

"Okay Yoda, can I have the woman whose body you stole back?"
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny

"I'll be strong for you Syn, if you need it. You don't always have to be the strong one, I'll be
your glue if you want to crumble, I'll hold you together,"."
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"Thanks for that by the way, not bad for a fucking Fairy—" I laughed—"get it? Fucking Fairy?" I snorted and closed my eyes.
"I get it," he growled,"
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"Love is more than just feeling something Syn, it's the connection of two souls that intertwine and cannot be without the other. It's not just saying you love someone, it's showing them with every fucking breath you take, every look. It just is, simple as that. That kind of love doesn't die. It withers the soul without the other to keep it alive."
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"I'm the fucking Horde King, I don't woo."
"Woo her," Ristan continues.
"I don't woo."
"Woo," he repeats.
"I'm not the kind of man to woo anyone. I can make her scream my name to the rafters, isn't that enough wooing?"
"Woo," Ristan smirks, which only served to irritate me more.
"Woo," I grind out on an exhale.
"Yes, woo," he says, already turning to walk away. I watch his shoulders quake with laughter.
"Woo," I growl.
"Woo!" He says over his shaking shoulders.
"Fuck me," I shake my head.
"No thanks, not my type..."
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny
"Ryder, we got a problem," Ristan called from beyond the other side of the etched-glass shower door.
"Someone had better be dying, Ristan," Ryder growled when he'd pulled
away from kissing me.
"They might be. You need to come see this."
"We will be right there," Ryder called out as I slid down his hard body.
He watched me with a smirk and then placed his hand on my arm to move me from beneath the water, so he could rinse off. I watched him, unable to pull my eyes off of his hands as they roved over his body.He was quicksand,
and I was sinking.
"Did you say we?" Ristan asked.
I blushed from my head to my Paint Your Toron-Toes Rose colored toenails. I opened the shower door and stepped out meeting Ristan's eyes. "Don't ask."
"How the…did you sift into his shower?" he asked, bubbling with laughter.
"I said don't ask! It wasn't my fault. I was sleeping!" I shouted as both men laughed even harder.
"Real mature, just real fucking mature!"
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny
"I told you that I would protect you. Even if you don't want me to," he whispered, moving closer and pulling me against him. "Some things are worth protecting"
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny
"You ordered me here," I said finally breaking the silence.
"I did," Ryder said with his lopsided grin that looked more dangerous than friendly.
"I'm here," I mumbled.
"You are."
"Okay, we gonna measure dicks all day Ryder, or are we gonna sign a contract?" I snapped.
"You don't have a dick Syn, I would have noticed," Ryder's smile lifted roguishly."
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"I am not your anything.You can't just piss on my leg and say I'm yours."
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny
"I refused to look back. I wasn't dumb enough to turn around and peek over my shoulder. I was the type who yelled at the girls in scary movies who did so."
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny
"We walked home in silence,which I guess was pretty normal, since he was a dog after all.When we arrived at the house, he wasn't impressed at all.In fact, he showed me just how unimpressed he was by growling at the walls for at least three straight hours.
"Enough already. The wall is not gonna bark back, Mister Fancy Pants!"
He growled at me.Maybe he didn't like his name? "Don't pee on my carpet,no sniffing, no barking, and no chewing while I'm gone. Stay away from the coffee—touch it and you're gone." He blinked at me and then snapped his head back at the walls and went back to circling them like a sentry—well,a growling, whining sentry. My cell phone rang, startling me, and I answered it.I winced as the dog continued to go off at the walls as if they would
attack him. "Stop barking!"
"What?" Ryder asked.
"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Mister Fancy Pants." I should seriously change his name. It was too long.
"Who the fuck is Mister Fancy Pants?"
I snickered as he said my dog's name. Coming out of his mouth,
it really sounded bad."
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny
"I say we cut a path right down the fucking middle and kill anything that moves," I growled.
Ristan raised a brow and whistled. "Damn , Flower. That almost made me hard. Shock me with that blood thirsty little inner vixen."
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny
"I go in on your arm and we separate. To make me look unavailable, since Vlad likes what he can't have, I play dumb blonde and make myself sexy." I glared as Adam barked with laughter at my words."No going off of the plan, when he takes you in the back room—and he will, you work the information out of him without blowing your cover, or him." I shot the glare to Ryder. "I have no intention of bobbing on Vlad's knob. Or yours." I tossed into remove the wide smirk my response had given him and it worked."
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"She's my fucking anchor, and no one will take her from me again, not even to save this world."
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny
"I'm not the kind of man to woo anyone. I can make her scream my name to the rafters, isn't that enough wooing?"
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny
"I scanned through another section finding yet another thing I wasn't about to let happen.
"You want to pick my clothes? What the hell is wrong with my clothes?"
His eyes took in my sleeveless top and sank lower as if he was sneering with disdain at my jeans. They were jeans for monkey butt's sake!
"I have a certain reputation Synthia. I won't have it smeared with being shadowed by a child who wears the clothes of an immature teenager."
"I'm wearing jeans, half the country wears them!"
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"I was going to fight to keep the elusive Horde King as my own. Every beauty needed a beast, and he was mine."
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny

To my daughter,
if you ever date anyone like the men I write,

I will kick your *ss up between your ears and you will walk sideways for a month,

but I'll still love you."
Amelia Hutchins, Playing with Monsters

"You suck," I mumbled.
"No, Baby, you suck, and you do it very fucking well."
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny
"Who says you have to be strong anymore? You are allowed to fall apart, because I will hold you through it. You can crumble, and I'll hold the pieces together until you can pull yourself out of it."
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny
"Destiny doesn't ask you if you want it Syn, it just forces it into your lap and deal with it. -RYDER"
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"He's my drug of choice, and I don't think there's a rehab for it."
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny
"So help me, if you turned me into a fucking Vampire, I'll bite your dick off!"
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"You come in all tall, dark, and deadly and my lady parts go all cuckoo for cocoa puffs and shit."
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny
"You can't fight destiny—taunt it, yes, but to fight it will only consume you and, in the end, destiny always wins."
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny
"He is obsessed with you; he might even be in love with you. Of course, he is Fae so he doesn't recognize it as such, but it is all over him. We can all see it. He wants you and he will not let you go."
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny
"Keep lipping off, and I'll find a use for that tongue."
"Keep dreaming, man-whore."
Amelia Hutchins, Fighting Destiny
"Never," I assure her. "I'll never leave you."
Never will I concede to death when she's in my grasp. This beautiful creature is my match. She's burrowed her way into my heart, and into my soul. Finding out she was mine, and was the one I'd been searching for in the Human world, was intoxicating. Watching her at my feet as she was given to me was the most exquisite feeling in the world."
Amelia Hutchins, Escaping Destiny
"If you had ever known love, you'd know this. Nothing can force love to go away. You grow apart, or grow up, but it's still there. You still care what happens to them,"
Amelia Hutchins, Taunting Destiny

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Fighting Destiny (The Fae Chronicles, #1) Fighting Destiny
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Taunting Destiny (The Fae Chronicles, #2) Taunting Destiny
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Seducing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles, #4) Seducing Destiny
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Source: https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/7092218.Amelia_Hutchins

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